Every woman in this country lives in her legacy and should continue to fight for her legacy. And the important thing is we don’t have to be her and have her degree and title to feel entitled to do those things we should do, because what she’s been trying to do all her life is to give EVERY woman the right and power to march on.
1.神神经经可可爱爱恶恶心心黏黏糊糊 2.海星怪是年度最佳反派有力竞争者I was happy, floating, staring at the stars. 堪称《绑住挠脚心》后又一绝世浪漫遗言 3.对美国gov的恶心做派的讽刺比较到位建议我们官方要多学学 4.古恩明显比在对面漫威时更放得开但本片最终仍然是被高估和过誉的格局摆在那里 5.什么和平大局什么自由理想什么官僚阴谋什么友情亲情最终拯救这一天的什么是佩奇是你们谁都看不起的老鼠以后谁都别装高尚伟大爱咋咋滴 6.想想老爷真是伟大这些人真是又不省油又不省心